34. Python in QGIS#

34.1. Check which Python interpretor QGIS is using#

  1. You can check the Python used in QGIS by going to Plugins -> Python Console. In the console type in the following command

    import sys 

34.2. Installing third-party python library in Ubuntu#

  1. In ubuntu linux, QGIS uses the default system Python. So if you type in the above command you will get the following result.

  2. If QGIS is using the system default Python. Open up a terminal and you can pip install the necessary libaries here.

    pip install numpy

34.3. Installing third-party python library for the gis3d plugin#

34.3.1. Installing in Ubuntu#

  1. refer to installing third party library in ubuntu. Install the following library for the gis3d plugin.

    pip install geomie3d==0.0.9
    pip install geopandas==1.0.1
    pip install pyogrio==0.9.0
    pip install laspy==2.5.4
    pip install lazrs==0.6.1
    pip install shapely==2.0.6

34.3.2. Installing in Windows#

—- work in progress —–